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adj superlative meilleur (e) adv [sing, play, do] le mieux you'd best do ... (=had better) tu ferais mieux de faire ... n at best au mieux to do one's best faire de son mieux at one's best au meilleur de sa forme, au mieux de sa forme to the best of my knowledge (=as far as I know) pour autant que je sache to the best of one's ability (=as well as possible) de son mieux at the best of times (=ever) it's for the best c'est pour le mieux all the best (=goodbye) salut to know best être le (la) mieux placé (e) pour juger to look one's best [man] être à son avantage best of all, ... (=above all) ce qu'il y a de mieux, ... excl (at end of letter, email) amitiés best-before date , best before date best man best practice best-selling personal best second best , second-best n deuxième choix m adj (=not the best) (=not perfect) adv Sunday bestbest
→ It's one of the best films I've seen.
→ It was the best book he had written.
He's the best player in the team. Il est le meilleur joueur de l'équipe.
the best thing to do is to go ... le mieux, c'est d'aller ...
→ If you want more information, the best thing to do is have a word with the bus driver.
the best part of (=nearly) presque
→ He was in Spain for the best part of 5 years.
→ We searched for the keys for the best part of an hour.
→ Write down the things that you do best.
[known, loved] le plus
Emma sings best. C'est Emma qui chante le mieux.
to be best known as être surtout connu (e) comme
→ He is best known as an actor.
to like best, to like the best préférer
→ What music do you like best?
→ Paul was the best liked of the four.
Which one did you like best?, Which one did you like the best? Lequel avez-vous préféré?
→ You'd best take a look.
You'd best leave early. Tu ferais mieux de partir tôt.
the best (=person, object, result) le (la) meilleur (e)
→ Matt's chocolate cake was the best.
Janet's the best at maths. Janet est la meilleure en maths.
That's the best I can do. Je ne peux pas faire mieux.
the best of (=best possible)
→ the best of care delivered in the most sensitive way possible
He'll have the best of care. Il recevra les meilleurs soins.
the best of luck énormément de chance
to be the best of friends être les meilleurs amis du monde
→ They're the best of friends.
to have the best of both worlds avoir le beurre et l'argent du beurre
→ She wants the have the best of both worlds - a big salary and not many working hours.
to make the best of it (=resign o.s.) s'en contenter
→ There is nowhere else to go, so make the best of it.
→ Let's try and make the best of it.
We'll have to make the best of it. Il va falloir nous en contenter.
to make the best of a bad job (British) faire avec ce qu'on a
→ Such conditions will take years to create and, in the meantime, we must make the best of a bad job
→ The accommodation was makeshift at best.
→ At best Nella would be an invalid; at worst she would die.
It's not perfect, but I did my best. Ça n'est pas parfait, mais j'ai fait de mon mieux.
to try one's best faire de son mieux
→ It doesn't have to be perfect, just try your best.
→ It wasn't her fault, she was trying her best to help.
to do as best one can faire de son mieux
→ It's a marvelous song - Frank Sinatra at his best.
to be at one's best être au meilleur de sa forme, être au mieux de sa forme
→ Miss Blockey was at her best when she played the piano.
→ I'm not at my best when I first get up in the morning.
→ He never carried a gun to the best of my knowledge.
→ To the best of my knowledge, Gloria did not make those comments.
→ "Did they ever meet each other?" -- "No, not to the best of my knowledge."
→ I take care of them to the best of my ability.
→ both teams played to the best of their ability
He's not exactly patient at the best of times. Il n'est pas spécialement patient.
She's not a great cook at the best of times. Elle n'est pas exactement un génie de la cuisine, même au mieux de sa forme.
→ In the long run, it was for the best.
→ I suppose it's all for the best.
(in letter) amicalement, amitiés
→ One final check to be sure he's looking his best ...
[woman] être en beauté
→ she could have her hair done and look her best for the cameras
→ best of all, this is a house that children will love
→ c u next week. best, emma
n date f limite d'utilisation, date f limite de consommation
n garçon m d'honneur
→ My brother was the best man at her wedding.
n meilleure pratique f
→ UK companies are not following corporate best practice
[book, writer] à succès
[record, album] qui remporte un grand succès
n record m personnel
→ Don't settle for second best.
as a second-best faute de mieux
[suit, boots] de tous les jours
→ He put on his second best suit ...
→ We polished and wore our second-best boots.
It's his second-best novel. C'est presque son meilleur roman.
a second-best solution un pis-aller
→ ... a messy, second-best solution ...
a second-best choice un pis-aller
to come off second best avoir le dessous
in one's Sunday best dans ses habits du dimanche, tout endimanché (e)
→ They looked as if they were dressed in their Sunday best, the girls in clean white dresses, the boys in dark trousers and plain white shirts.
Traduction Dictionnaire Collins Anglais - Français 
Consulter aussi:
best man, best practice, personal best, best before date